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Punishment is a blazon of reinforcement. It is classified as a abrogating accretion which is abortive if training dogs. It is acute that you should not abuse the dog in any manner. Otherwise, the dog will advance that abhorrence and will be absent forth the advance of the training. Be constant in all your commands. Constant training techniques can accelerate acquirements of the dogs due to the actuality that they are accustomed with the sounds, words acclimated in the command given. In addition, it is important that the command accept to be accustomed by the aforementioned person. This will aswell advice the dog to accessory the commands to who is giving the commands. A 'submissive urinator', in dog training terms, is a dog that urinates on the floor and himself (and sometimes on you or any guests you may have!) in situations of extreme excitement or stress, like when you return home at the end of the work day or when the dog is being told off for some bad behavior.