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Now that you accept two allegory agency of training, you can adjudge for yourself what to do. Afore you alpha on the training process, you accept to accept that dogs are a backpack of animals and will chase their backpack leader. So allegation their account in adjustment to accept ascendancy and bendability in their training. Many of the professionals you see competing in agility trials or other competitions have been working with their dogs for years to conduct the dog training required. Working dogs An even more stringent dog training method is required for working dogs. Working dogs assist people in a variety of fashions - they can be trained to sniff out drugs or contraband in airports, trained to assist the handicapped or disabled, or even trained as members of the police force or military. The dog training required for these dogs often takes months, if not years. There are specific dog breeds chosen at a young age to participate in special types of training and many times specific breeds are selected due to breed charactarisctics. Only a few of the dogs that start on this dog training program end up being successful enough to have a career as a working dog. Their are a variety of dog training styles used for different purposes. Even so, nearly any dog and owner can benefit from dog training.